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Academic Lectures
Dr. Tingyi S. Lin

Associate Professor of Design Dept., National Taiwan University of Science and Technology


Location: UW Lathrop hall & Chazen

Nov 4 3:30PM  "Introduction to ICDHS 2016 Taipei"

Location: UW Lathrop hall Margaret H'Doubler performance space


Nov 5 3:30PM "Design for social good"

Location: UW Chazen Elvehjem building Rm L 150


About the speaker:


Tingyi S. Lin, M.F.A./Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Design Dept. at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology





Dr. Tingyi Lin is the Director of Taiwan Tech Center for Humanities and Arts; she is also an alumna of the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Dr. Lin’s research areas include message design, script planning, visual design, internet of Things, social design, and story marketing; she has received numerous awards and honors in video and graphic creation, design research. Dr. Lin is one of the key persons for The International Conference on Design History and Design Studies (ICDHS) 2016 Taipei.



Seminar I: Introduce ICDHS 2016 Taipei




















Seminar II: Design for Social Good

That “design for 99% people instead of for 1% in the world” has been highly appealing in design

society in recent years. This notion takes people from diverse fields to design thinking processes

to improve human well-beings, and implement the idea through professional creativities to

fulfill their concepts. This talk will demonstrate two research studies and creativities conducted

by Dr. Lin. While “Escort” (2012-2013) aims to assist the public to respond to different

emergency situations with reduced confusion, “SVM” (2013-2014) project connects on-site and

on-line activities in campus to demonstrate a new business model and allow design team to

have an experimental creativity. The action of design for the general public is first giving access

to benefit of design and the second to take care of the needs of minorities, with such notion to

link design, art and technology together for innovative thinking and service plan.


ICDHS is an international research community that focuses on design history and design studies. This Visual Identity System composes of five characters - I, C, D, H, S and can divide into one major and four sub visual patterns. Each stroke of the character uses a semi-transparent color, and through crossover of each stroke creates different layer of colors. The interaction of colors

symbolizes interchange and conflict of diverse viewpoints; interaction and crossover of professionals from all over the world. The four sub visual patterns will serve as visual guidance for major events and activities of this international affair. Such concept of character crossover

also applies to the design of stationaries and objects of this Visual Identity System. Following the same principle, we provide each participant of this seminar clear and professional visual image and wayfinding indication.


The main focus of ICDHS 2016 Taipei General is to build the Trans and national history of modern design (video link). At the same time, there will be discussions of origin and topics of the so-called "Taiwaneseness". In fact, Taiwan is a fascinating mixture of culture, the result of

Netherlands, Spain, Qing Dynasty, and Japanese multi-colonial history. The westernization and modernization of Taiwan initiated by Japan’s colonization have made Taiwan as the focus of many colonial culture researchers even today. With its rich colonial history and international

politics, as well as the search for Taiwan’s own identity, Taiwanese culture is serving as an interesting platform for reflection and debate of the "Design history".

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